Marriage Licence Info

Marriage Licence Info

You Need to Arrange a Marriage Licence at Least 3 Working Days Before You Intend to Get Married

During the ceremony, and before at least two witnesses, each party must say the words "I AB, take you CD, to be my legal wife/husband" or words to similar effect.

What You Need to Do Before You Can Get Married

For a guide to help you in your preparations to marry in New Zealand, download the brochure from Department of Internal Affairs:
Getting Married: a guide for couples preparing to get married in New Zealand.

Decide When and Where You Want to Get Married

You will need to know when and where you want to get married when you complete your application for a marriage licence. You should also choose an alternative venue in the event that the weather prevents you from marrying at your primary venue, (I may be good but not good enough to guarantee you the perfect weather)

Choose a Marriage Celebrant

In New Zealand you must be married by an appointed marriage celebrant..
You will need to contact me and agree on a time and place before applying for your marriage licence, and the wonderful staff at the Births, Deaths and Marriages offices have me listed as Jacqueline Brown (eek echoes of my childhood when I had done something wrong!)

Get a Marriage Licence

To get a licence you will need to complete a Notice of Intended Marriage application form - (BDM 60, BDM 58 or BDM 59) If either of you have been married or in a civil union before, and the marriage or civil union has been dissolved, you will be asked to produce evidence of the dissolution (e.g. Divorce/Dissolution Order) when you give notice to the Registrar. If like me you have no idea where your divorce certificate is (it’s not like you frame it!) the staff can order a copy for you in no time at all.

Make a Statutory Declaration

As part of completing the application form for a marriage licence, you need to make a statutory declaration. Either you or your partner will need to make a formal statutory declaration that there is no lawful impediment to the marriage (i.e. no legal reason that you both cannot be married), that the details given are true, that the bride and groom are not within the "prohibited degrees of relationship" and that consent has been given (where relevant).

If you live in New Zealand one of you must make this declaration in the presence of a Registrar of Marriages.

After the ceremony, I will organise for your marriage to be registered.....and the great news....(drum roll)...same sex marriage is legal in New Zealand.